Now it the time
for all Alabamians to work together for common good and greater impact!

We understand that our Alabama communities face constantly changing and complex challenges — poverty, hunger, health disparities, and more.

  • 800,000 Alabamians live in the poverty. Alabama is the nation's fifth poorest state. (Barriers to Poverty: Data Sheet 2020)
  • 795,760 Alabamians are struggling with hunger — and of them, 243,880 are children (Feeding America)
  • Alabama ranks 46th in the U.S. in terms of life expectancy and quality of life (University of Auburn Center for Health Ecology
    and Equity Research

Providing comprehensive and lasting solutions for these challenges is oftentimes beyond the scope of individual helping agencies (charitable and human services organizations) with limited staff and resources. Also, most agencies in our communities are disconnected and don't talk to each other — fostering fragmented care, needless duplication of efforts, and isolated minimal impact.

Unfortunately, gaps in communication and cooperation among our helping agencies punch wide gaping holes in our social safety net (service delivery systems). This causes many individuals and families to "fall through the cracks" and not find vital information and available resources that can help to transform their lives.

When People Work Together, Great Things Happen!

Our vision is to see strong vibrant communities where all Alabamians live healthier, happier, and meaningful lives.

Our mission is to advance promising and proven approaches to transforming people's lives and their communities.

Our purpose is to help people, organizations, and institutions connect, learn from each other, and collaborate for everyone's well-being.

"There are no limits to what a community can do...if it wants to."

George McLean

Visionary Leader and Community Developer
The Tupelo, Mississippi Miracle — one of the greatest economic recovery stories in American history

Our Hopes & Dreams

We realize that what we do today, impacts how well our children (and grandchildren) handle their world tomorrow.

We believe community impact solutions, like CharityTracker, Care Networking, and Community Resource Directory,  hold great promise for helping us advance a more networked, collaborative, and comprehensive approach to transforming lives and communities here in North Alabama.

2023 North Alabama Resource Network, All Rights Reserved.